Living what we preach
If you have spoken to Ben or I over the last 6 months then you will know all about Greenview – or 'Dreamview' as we have taken to calling it. Greenview is our new family home and project. On first viewing and perhaps to the untrained eye, the property is well maintained and needs little work.

Unfortunately (although excitedly for us), this is not the case. The roof leaks, many of the homes beautiful original features are covered in plasterboard, we have rodents, and don’t ask about the electrics. Ten light switches for the kitchen alone!
The cruck frame property was built in c1740 and we believe the timbers were from a tall ship that would have been made in Gloucester docks. The history and beauty of the building along with its surroundings meant that Ben and I instantly fell in love with it.
This blog follows our refurbishment of ‘Dreamview’ right from day one. I hope that it will in
spire you to take on your own challenge and create the home of your dreams.