Thank you
What a week. Our hard work is starting to pay off as this week we found out we have been awarded 3 grants - The National Benevolent Charity, Forest of Dean Council and The Langtree Trust have all given us a donation towards the set up of our new training centre. These generous donations will allow us to get the centre up set up far quicker that we had originally planned which means more courses and more subsidised places.
Gloucestershire has a wealth of heritage buildings - over 15,000 listed properties in Gloucestershire. Unfortunately the pool of people with the appropriate skills and experience to work on such properties is very limited. In recent years the lack of tradespeople with specialist heritage skills has been recognised nationally and formal qualifications have been put in place to address this along with many funding opportunities, but sadly these opportunities aren't available to all. This is why we decided to offer subsidised places to those on low incomes, students and those already working in the construction industry. We want to help people get quality education and practical experience working with traditional materials and methods.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning about traditional building skills, do get in touch and we can discuss which course and funding option would

be most suitable.