Award Winning Heritage Training Provider
In 2024, we are committing to becoming more sustainable in both our building company and training company. There are a number of areas that we will be addressing:
Material miles
Welfare and ethics
Travel and transport
Energy Consumption
Use of fossil fuels
We will be investigating how we can make changes to each of these areas and measuring the success of each. We will share all changes with our students, clients and followers so that others can benefit from our learnings.
2024 Achievements
Ethics & Material Miles
By Spring of 2025 we are committed to stop the use of plastic plastering fibres and Chinese Animal Fibres. To be able to do this we have been researching ethical, sustainable and UK produced alternatives. We have found a range of viable solutions and have been introducing these options to fellow plasterers and our students since Summer 2024.
Fossil Fuels & Material Miles
In Summer 2024 we purchased an electric forklift truck. Not only does this reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, but it allows us to purchase lime directly from the producer, reducing material miles.